SEO Audit Thank You

Don’t hire an SEO Specialist until you know what you need.

I’ve talked to hundreds of business owners in the last few years about their web marketing, and everybody knows how important it is to get their website to the top of the search results. But most are bewildered about how to make it happen. If they study up on search engine optimization, they find that the rules are always changing. The techniques that worked five years ago could get your website banned today. It’s nearly impossible for a normal business owner to keep up.

If you’re thinking about hiring an SEO company, you’re probably concerned about which company can do the best job for you. There’s one thing you can do that will make your decision easier.

By undertaking an SEO audit, you’ll know exactly where your website sits in the search engines for your most important keywords. It will help you

  • Save big money on keyword research
  • Pick up the low-hanging fruit of keywords where you’re already close to the top
  • Easily get competitive bids as an informed consumer
  • seo audit report
    Click on the snapshot to the right to see an example of the report you will receive.

    You’ll find out where each of your keywords rank in the search results and which are your strongest phrases. You’ll be able to determine which phrases need just a little push to reach the top and start attracting your ideal prospects.

    Sign up for our Get on the Map newsletter and I’ll send you a complete report with your top search phrase. You’ll see the format and know whether you want the full report with 10, 25 or 50 keyword phrases.

    Click here to request your Free report

    Choose your package with 10, 25 or 50 keyword phrases to be analyzed. Order on Paypal. Submit your phrases via the form and receive your comprehensive,complete report within 5 business days.

    SEO Audit