Seth Godin, fantastic author of Tribes and Permission Marketing, is giving away presents for his birthday. It’s a free ebook addendum to his recently released book Linchpin ( which I love love loved)
Here’s an excerpt:
The third group, as you’ve probably guessed, are the pessimists, the obstructionists and the protectors of the status quo. Driven largely by fear, they set out to slow you down, whittle you down and average you down. Mostly, it’s not their fault, though, because they’ve been brainwashed and don’t yet realized how powerful and productive it is to take a different route.
It’s tempting to call these people out by name and to demonstrate how their fear is robbing so many people of a chance to make a difference. I won’t, though, because it’s not productive. People don’t end up in this third group because they choose to be there… they end up here because the lizard brain is so freaked out and the resistance is so loud that they really don’t have any choice.What I do is mentally affix a red “L” (for leech) to their forehead and then, for as long as I can, avoid them. Like a pothole in an otherwise smooth road, it’s just easier to drive around them.
You can get a free copy of the ebook here. And what would Seth like for his birthday from you? He wants you to contribute to Charity Water.